June ZOOM Meeting
The Board of the Woodland Hills Tax and Estate Planning Council extends its greetings and warm wishes to you as we continue to face the uncertainty ahead of us. Our May meeting was very well-received and thus we will hold our final meeting of the term via Zoom. Please join us for some socializing and learning on
Wednesday, June 3 at
6:00 pm for 30 minutes of social/networking time, and at
6:30 pm for our meeting.
CLE credit will be provided.
Speakers: Jeffrey K. Eisen and Kathy Adams, “Estate Planning Issues In These Pivotal and Unprecedented Times.”
In order to receive CLE credit, each member should email Tom Klarin (tklarin@gmail.com) stating that they attended the zoom meeting in full on June 3 presented by the WHT&EPC and request a certificate. The request must also state the member’s name and bar number (or equivalent number for CPE credit).
As with the last meeting, you may join the Zoom by audio only by telephone (including a landline), or if you would like to view the video in addition to the hearing the audio, you will need to join by smartphone, tablet or computer. Instructions on joining the Zoom follow.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 3135 9818
Password: 134214
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Meeting ID: 884 3135 9818
Password: 134214
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