NAEPC WEBINAR Planning for International Families in a time of COVID-1
Planning for International Families in a time of COVID-19
About the ProgramThis presentation will deal with a number of topics, including what is special for the American practitioner about international families, and what it is they are looking for from their advisor. We will briefly review how they achieve these goals and the tools that are employed to get them there. We will also look at some of the impediments which have arisen in recent years and some particular problems associated with COVID. The program will end with some speculation on where we are headed and a few conclusions. About the Speaker
Mr. Field is a graduate of Princeton University (AB Magna cum Laude) and the Columbia School of Law (JD). He is a member of the California Bar, the New York Bar and the Bar of the District of Columbia. While in France, he was a Conseil Juridique and was a Registered Foreign Lawyer in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. Yearly SubscriptionThe yearly subscription offers a substantial discount to attend all of the programs during the calendar year! After completing the registration you will be emailed a discount code that can be used to register for the programs you wish to attend. (Please allow up to a week for processing.) Prices start at $280. See complete information and registration form.
Upcoming ProgramsDecember 9, 2020 See complete details about all upcoming webinars from NAEPC.
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National Association of Estate Planners & Councils 1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470 Cleveland, OH 44114 |