November Meeting

Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Time: 6:00pm - 7:30am
Location: Zoom
Speaker: Nick Van Brunt of Sheppard Mullin and Scott E. Rahn of RMO are co-presenting, "Trusts and Estates Litigation Updates and Developments"

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Woodland Hills Tax & Estate Planning Council

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Hello Fellow WHT&EPC Member,

Our Meeting tonight 4th meeting will start at

  • 6:00pm for 30 minutes of networking, sharing best practices, and tidbits
  • 6:30pm Nick Van Brunt of Sheppard Mullin and Scott E. Rahn of RMO are co-presenting, "Trusts and Estates Litigation Updates and Developments"

Mark Lester will be handling the MCLE certificates for the presentation. Attendees who desire a continuing education Attendance Certificate should email Mark Lester after the meeting. Mark's email address is

There is no need to rsvp.  If you have any questions, please reply to this email. ​
We are looking forward to seeing everyone again. 
The Board

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